29 November 2007

I can't think of a good title right now.

Not a very exciting day -- severe lack of motivation at work, which just makes me continually further behind in everything. Why I am such a procrastinator, I will never know.

I got home from work and the kids were being obnoxious terrors (only a slight exaggeration -- I was only home for a few minutes, but someone was crying hysterically and I am sure I heard a door slam. (And after we had a nice dinner out last night -- they can be so sweet and cute when they want to be.) I got out of there quickly and went to the Y for yet another trainer-assisted workout. Good times. I told him I thought we needed to work harder today. Why I open my mouth and say such things is beyond me. It wasn't too bad, mostly because I goaded him into doing everything with me. Turns out he whines more than I do!

We are having a potluck at work tomorrow (part of the department's - or maybe the universe's - desire to torment me with foods I am trying to avoid!), and I also had to make dessert to bring to the cabin this weekend. It's not easy to get anything done in the kitchen at our house, so I went over to my parents'. It was nice to visit with them for a bit before getting down to business. Instead of making the delicious and deadly fudge bars that were requested, I decided to compromise and make Cooking Light chocolate cupcakes with chocolate frosting. I know they don't sound healthier, but trust me. Plus, in my head, it makes sense. Cupcakes are self-limiting and already portioned. There are only 12 of them. Everyone gets 2 over the course of the weekend... a big pan of bars is just begging for me to go "Just one more little piece." until the whole pan is gone, and I have fallen into a sugar coma, with chocolate frosting smeared all over my face.

I also made one of my specialties, and one of VibaJiba's favorites -- fruit salsa with cinnamon chips. It's putzy, but super-easy. Also healthy and delicious. I hope no one likes it and I have leftovers!

My lovely friend from DC arrived into town tonight and we briefly toyed with the idea of getting together for a drink or something before deciding against it. For the best, since I didn't shower after my workout, and it is LATE. I'll see her on Sunday, I hope!

And now for my book review. Last night, I finished the book for the book club cabin adventure. The Lathe of Heaven, by Ursula LeGuin. Science fiction, which I do not normally read. It was a really good book, and short (only 170ish pages!). I had to keep checking the date it was written, because it was kind of creepily ahead of its time (duh! sci-fi!). It was written in 1973 (I think), but it takes place in 2002. There are problems due to pollution and the greenhouse effect, plus war in the Middle East over oil. Crazy futuristic stuff! Anyhow, it is about a man who has "effective dreams", which means that he dreams things and then wakes up to find out that they are real. It's a little hard to explain, so maybe you should just read it. He goes to a doctor for help, because he is afraid to sleep -- every time he wakes up, the world is different than when he went to sleep. The doctor, of course, wants to learn how to use this effective dreaming thing for his own benefit, and bad things ensue. I am looking forward to some discussion, since I always miss things that are on a deeper level until someone clues me in. It was a good, quick read, about the dangers of excessive power, and science, and whatever.

The next book I am working on is Cat's Cradle, by Kurt Vonnegut, for Books and Bars, which meets a week from Tuesday. Hopefully I will get in this time!

1 comment:

Vibajiba said...

it was delicious. thanks!