27 November 2007

It's Beginning to Feel A Lot Like...

Something about this time of year -- everything just gets so busy, and there is so much crap to do. I can't believe it isn't even December yet. I woke up this morning, and really did not want to get out of my nice cozy pajamas (part of the shopping extravaganza) and my nice cozy bed. I wasn't really sure why my room was so cold, until I turned on the TV and saw that the temp was 9. With a -9 windchill. That is just ridiculous. Last week, Dr. Smartypants called from Texas, laughing about how they said on the news that the "windchill" was 50 degrees. That sounds blissful compared to this!

This week, LO is coming from DC, we are going to the cabin for book club, next week, I am getting together with Vija and Karen (yay!), the week after that is the holiday dinner, the next week is the Soul Asylum concert, and that other thing -- oh yeah -- Christmas. Then New Year's and how the hell is it 2008 already? I don't know how I am going to find time or money to get all the things done I want to -- I have many books I am trying to read (as always), several crocheting & cross-stitching projects, presents to buy and wrap, cleaning to do.... argh! Oh, and now we are planning a trip to Vegas in January, which will be super-fun, but it needs to be paid for now, or very soon. (I've never been, and we had so much fun in Boston, how could I say no?! Now I need to come up with somewhere to go for my birthday -- never mind that it is 9 months away!)

And this whole working out all the time thing takes a lot of... time. Twice a week with the trainer, plus as many other days as I can on my own. Don't get me wrong, aside from the expense, I think it was a great decision (-14.8 pounds -- woo hoo!), but being all healthy and crap is time-consuming!

1 comment:

KarzyBear said...

Mia Claire-
I am so looking forward to getting together with you as well :) I hear ya, losing weight takes time and work! You look AWESOME!