19 November 2007

I have nothing to say.

This is a picture of me in my zombie costume from Halloween. It worked really well to scare lots of children in the neighborhood. Apparently, I am super-creepy. Who knew? One of the kids in the neighborhood later talked to my friend's mom (the house we "haunt" for Halloween) and asked her if the lady shuffling around in her pajamas was her daughter. She said no, but that she was one of her daughter's friends. The kid: "Oh. She was really creepy." Mission Accomplished.

I'm thinking of using that picture for my profile on match.com or one of those dating sites.

In other news, according to the scale at the Y tonight, I have lost 11.2 pounds! Yay!


michelle said...

ha - you should totally use the picture for match.com - i love it :)

oh and CONGRATS on the weight loss - I'm jealous! I've had that damned ticker thing in my blog for months and it hasn't moved at all :(

Anonymous said...

Mia Claire!

I definately think you should use that picture on Match.com.
