23 November 2007

It's that time again?

I don't even like to shop. Not really. I mean, sometimes, if I am in the mood, it's ok, but generally, I do not enjoy it. At all. Target, grocery stores, bookstores, Ulta -- I love those places. But shopping for gifts and/or clothes? No, thank you. It's probably mostly that I don't like to spend money, and I really don't like trying on clothes. But what can you do? It's the biggest shopping day of the year. All you hear about are how places are opening at midnight, 1 am, 4 am. Doorbuster this, doorbuster that. (I don't even know what that means.) I worked today and then kept thinking I wished I was shopping. Where in the hell did that come from? Subliminal messages from my radio?

After working out, I met Michelle in Woodbury, and we started our shopping adventure at Target. (I stopped at Jo-Ann to use the 50% off coupon in between work and the Y.) Who knew they sold movies for less than $5?! You can't pass that up, and I never even usually buy movies. But they were mostly for gifts, so I guess it's all right, right? We hardly made it past the media department, and boom -- 40 bucks gone.

We also went to Old Navy and Penney's -- lots of the other stores closed at 9. It seems to me, if the stores are going to open in the middle of the night, they should have the decency to stay open later for us night owls.

Trying on clothes at those stores, I remembered why I don't like shopping (also probably why I spend all my money on shower gel and books, not clothes!). It's so frustrating to feel like you are working really hard to exercise and eat right (I could have eaten a LOT more yesterday!!!) and nothing seems to fit right. I tried on some cute holiday dresses, but nothing worked.

I am choosing to think of it as motivation -- maybe when I go shopping after Christmas, I'll have better luck.

Also, I am so glad I don't work at any of those stores. Old Navy looked like a bunch of 2-year-olds hopped up on sugar ran through the store and threw everything on the ground. I can't imagine having to stand there and re-fold everything, just to have the same thing happen again tomorrow.


Vibajiba said...

that sounds like fun. i wish i would've been there.

michelle said...

i had a great time shopping with you :)

i've already gone again today for 2 hours and have a bit more to do when chris gets home...stop me please!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.